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  1. F

    About Nintendo8 site and classic nintendo controller with usb port i just bought

    Can you use a classic nintendo controller with usb port on this site with all the games? and if so how? thanks
  2. F

    How to use classic nintendo controller with usb

    I just got one today.. I plugged it in usb port on nintendo8. I wanted to to play metroid but would not work. How do u get the nintendo controller with usb to work? thanks I"m posttown29 on yahoo messenger if you can help there. mike
  3. F

    How to get orignal Nintedo controller with us to work on nintendo games online

    Hey i just bought this class nes controller with usb port off amazon. Anyways i got the controller cuz i saw a site called Nintendo8 dot com. So i thought if I got a controller it would just plug in...