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  1. B

    Final fantasy games on ps2 emus?

    hi folks i often read that ps2 emus are just able to play games and that at low fps rate so did someone make any experience with final fantasy games i am talin bout any... x, x-2 , x-II any...
  2. B

    no more problems with savegames PSXmemTOol

    thats just great if u want convert savegames from beem to epsxe or something like that :)
  3. B

    Making ISO? ( FFIX PAL )

    hello i am new here, i got the following problem: -i have epsxe version 1.60 (now downloaded v.1.52 but not started yet) - i am currently playing FF IX PAL original version (4cd u know) - after playing the cardgame i wanted to return back to RPG-mode... my cd-rom drive was loading ...loading...