Recent content by First

  1. F

    Can't go fullscreen?

    I'm using the PCSX emulator (not PCSXR), and the window can't fullscreen. It doesn't have a title bar, so I can't just hit the fullscreen button. I also tried both the Alt+Spacebar+M and holding shift and right-clicking the tab to hit the Move option, but once the move cursor came up, I...
  2. F

    Player 2 controller not working?

    I'm running Street Fighter Alpha 3 on the PCSXR emulator. Player 1's controller is fully functional, but Player 2's controller doesn't work at all. In fact, Player 1 can control both its and Player 2's controller on some screens. Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
  3. F

    Slow speed?

    I'm running Street Fighter Alpha Antholgy on the PCXS2 emulator. However, it's running quite slow. It's not horrendously slow, but it's definitely noticeable and bothersome. Is there a way to speed it up so that it plays on normal speed? Thanks in advance.
  4. F

    Border problem?

    I'm running Street Fighter Alpha 3 on the PCXSR emulator. However, there's a black border at the top and bottom of the screen. It's still there if I fullscreen, too. Is there some way to get rid of these black borders? Does it have to do with the emulator settings or the game itself? Thanks in...