what is the preferred NES emu these days?


New member
I have been using FCEUX mostly but whenever I try to play in full screen I either get an error or the colors are inverted, just wondering what everyone else is using these days.


Controller Man
Staff member
Nes is one of the most popular emulators. My advice is to go the emulator download section here and try from best to worst till you like one. Jnes is not the best, but I use it the most.


New member
I believe nestopia is the best one, it has lots of options and compatibility.
Jnes is alright too, it has good cheat options

Mupen64 Man

Big fan of Mupen64
Staff member
I believe that Jnes is the best, but I have to agree that overall, Nestopia is the best. The only reason why I think Jnes is the best is because it is the one I am the most familiar with.