New Open Source Console/Mobile PC

The Rising Sun

Nothing much
Somewhere between the months July and August of 2008, the Pandora will be available for purchase to the public. The Pandora is an open source (open source - anyone can contribute and develop) video game console/ Mobile PC. One of its biggest features however is its dedication to emulators. There is already a list of emulators currently in production for the Pandora. Apparently, the Pandora can handle emulation up to the Playstation One with no shown problems at the moment (the current Playstation emulator is still actively undergoing development). N64 emulation however, has been stated by the developers as a possibility. There are videos on Youtube of Final Fantasy 7 being emulated at full speed on the Pandora by one of the developers and videos of Final Fantasy 7 with no frame rate limiter on (The Pandora can go past the native speed of the game). The Pandora's retail price has been stated to be around Around £199, and $330.

For other currency predictions and information you guys should visit the project's website.

They also have a forum and wiki in case the website alone doesn't satisfy you. :happy: