NES Technical/Emulation/Development FAQ


Windows 10
The purpose of this doc is to answer the questions about the technical side of the NES/Famicom, NES emulation, and NES development, which are most frequently asked by people curious about their NES system. This is not the definitive NES document; rather, it is a launching pad for investigation into the other documents scattered in certain places on the internet. Be warned that it is not just a stale technical discussion. I bring my own opinions into answering some of the more controversial questions. If you have a problem with that, then write your own document that's devoid of all vitality and humour. Then get a job with Microsoft, something that you'd be perfectly suited for. Nyuk Nyuk. :)


Pinoy Ako!
Bookmarked, this might come in handy someday. I got some old docs for the 64 (back at the dextrose n64 scene forum)

this will surely help.
2 vintage nes boxes, this might help me do some mod stuff with it.




Pinoy Ako!
The n64 Dev guy (famous for Handlheld mod thinggy?) he moved here

\\most of the docs I hade were from Lac and the guys from blackbag.
anyways, I don't really know much :) but this sure is a good find.

\\bookmarked and SAVED! :p
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