mobile phone gameboy emulator


New member

i love emulators
i have found a gameboy emulator for mobile phones. It allows you to play both original and colour. Bit buggy as most emu's are but the guy has my praise seeing that there are hardly any emulators for mobile phones out there.

It works on all phones with java but the newer the phone the better the performance.

Does anyone know of any other mobile phone emulators??

The emu is called meboy


Pinoy Ako!
goboy and vboy ;)
vboy have versions for midp2 (and I think even symbian)
goboy, afaik, only for midp2 :)

picodrive for sega m2 (and other similar console)

there's vbag for gba, vsun for snes
scummvm, for well, scumm games

google it ;)


Killer Newbie
You probably used vboy. It will only play GBC games. Use vbag.

vnes = NES games
vboy = GBC games
vbag = GBA games
vsun = SNES games

Hope you choose the right installer.