Need help with save states


New member
How do I use SAV files as save staes in vba ive tried the import battery thing but it just restarts the gme what do I do?


Pinoy Ako!
battery and save states are different
battery is the 'save' from the rom itself.
eeprom, sram, flash

save states are memory dumps, once loaded it will load 'all' data on memory from where you saved it, 'bringing you back to that point of the game' where you made the save'or made the dump.

notes :
if you were using a gba bios when you made the save, YOU must use a GBA BIOS when you load it, otherwise it will not load and return an error




New member
Um.. the file is .sav so I guess it is battry save I tried the insert thingy but it didn work I dont know what bios are could you plz explain Im a newb sorry thx


Pinoy Ako!
anyway since it's already fixed, let me leave a quick note
Um.. the file is .sav so I guess it is battry save I tried the insert thingy but it didn work I dont know what bios are could you plz explain Im a newb sorry thx
sav file should usually have the same name as the rom image [if it's different then you'll have to load it manually]

battery=*.sav/saN [N=1]


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