help with iso!


New member
Hi, first of all, i'm no computer genius. it was a real test for my patience to get the ps1 emulator to work in the first place:p . anyway, now i've downloaded a torrent with some games but the games are like this "Bomberman.img.znx" and i don't know how i get them to play :(

any help is greatly appreciated ! :)


New member
remove the .znx extension and see if it works.


New member
as far as i know .znx is not an archive file type. Look on the original page to see if there are any instructions to extract the image.


New member
It doesn't show anything of instructions at the site i downloaded the torrent.

edit: btw i also get a table file together with the ZNX file.


Pinoy Ako!
check if the iso is valid, (or even if it has contents)
get isobuster and check the contents (usually WINRAR can parse Disc Images) but I prefer Isobuster)

remove the znx (I've just searched, and saw that znx points to Zonelabs Mailsafe)
so that doesn't make sense, anyway you may try mounting it, view the contents etc.



New member
Hey, thanks for the replies and all people. When I try to see the contents with WinRaR, it says it doesn't have any. gonna check soon with isobuster.
And if it doesn't work, i guess i'm out of look :p no big deal

thanks for the advices!