Need Help with Nebula


New member
For some reason I can only use up,down,left,right with my d-pad on my controller.
It doesnt identify the diagnal controls. Like up-right,down-right,up-left,down-left.
Is there any way to fix this?
Yes, I am a newbie:(


New member
Did you calibrate your controller in Control Panel > Game Controllers ?

It should register diagonals automtically if your controller is setup properly. Either that or your controller may not recognize diagonals for some reason


New member
Neco said:
Did you calibrate your controller in Control Panel > Game Controllers ?

It should register diagonals automtically if your controller is setup properly. Either that or your controller may not recognize diagonals for some reason

I did calibrate it. And it seems ok.
It works fine in mame. But not in nebula for some reason.