FakeNES 0.5.7 Released!


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Looks like the FakeNES team is more active than ever. The main addition is the new OpenGL video output. Let's look at the full change log:
Save states have once again been updated to version 1.02. However, they *should* be fully backwards compatible this time! ^^;;
To avoid problems, it is highly recommended that you delete your configuration file before running this new version.
This release adds OpenGL support. However, the GUI was *really* not meant for that and thus is still kinda buggy and incomplete. For example, the Main->Open... dialog doesn't work at all. x_x

AUDIO: Fixed all while() loops in the APU to never be truely infinite (thus preventing hard lock-ups), removed a previous hack that was added to get around such a thing.
AUDIO: Implemented a new ExSound API.
AUDIO: Added full save state support to VRC6 Sound and MMC5 Sound.
AUDIO: Rreduced default audio buffer length from 6 to 4 frames to reduce latency.
AUDIO: Added in mixing of MMC5's digital audio channel (untested).
CODE: Moved a bunch of code out of 'gui.c' and into the GUI header files.
CODE: Various code edits.
DOCS: Updated docs.
GUI: Added a GUI menu to configure the audio buffer length.
GUI: Added a GUI menu to configure video buffer size.
GUI: Enabled double buffered GUI while in OpenGL mode.
GUI: Added custom drawing code for the 'sl_radiobox' object.
GUI: Cleaned up the Help->About dialog and added 'loomsoft' under 'Special thanks to'.
GUI: Added more splitters to the Audio and Video menus to better group submenus.
GUI: Added a 'Close' button to the Help->Shortcuts dialog.
GUI: Hide some menus when their respective features aren't available for whatever reason.
GUI: Made 'sl_frame' object behave properly in a double buffered environment.
GUI: Removed extended video resolutions, since if anyone wants to actually use any of the obscure things, they can set them manually via the configuration file.
INPUT: Overhauled input system and input configuration system.
MISC: Fixed a cosmetic bug where the 'enabled' flag of CPU patches were written to the *.fpt file with the value of '2' instead of '1' when enabled.
VIDEO: Added (buggy) OpenGL support.
VIDEO: Added support for a screen buffer smaller or larger than the actual screen (it will be scaled to fit).
VIDEO: Set all bitmaps to NULL after destroying them in video_exit(), fixes various problems.
VIDEO: Improved the operation of video_blit().
VIDEO: Improved efficiency of HQ4X slightly by removing extra assertions.
VIDEO: Added size checking to the 'Normal' and 'Stretched' blitters.
VIDEO: Changed blitter error message.
You can get it here