::Problem#3(Do emulators ever work?)Black Screen for ever config::


New member
Ive gone through and tried every video configuration for ePSXe (11 configs) and I still cant anything other than a black screen. this is wierd because earlier i was able to run the game on Kazzuya Software Driver 1.8, and both E}l{'s video configs. I tried a diff emulator (PSXeven) and it runs but its extremely jumpy at the beginning, detunes all the music severely, and seems to either run way too fast or way too slow. im lost...everything is...fading ...im so cold...


New member
well i had alot of black screens also configing my ps1 emulator on my laptop but eventually after 30 mins of trying every plug in i got 1 working whats your pc specs anyways?


New member
Try Peops soft driver or any Pete's GPU plugins.


New member
Please take note that some of the video plugins only work on certain graphic card only. So, it is advisable that you should try to use Pete's GPU plugin if you don't know what you are doing. :cool: