how to uses pec help


New member
sorry i'm don't know uses pec please help me uses pec i'm uses VGS 1.4 for All Win and uses window XP then i don't know uses this pec please help me now


New member
VGS it's an old, hacked, discontinued & (once) commercial emulator which has problems with XP as hasn't been updated since ages (and won't ever be because Sony bought it). Better stick to ePSXe, PSXEven & SSSPSX


New member
CVGS can't be played on Windows XP. Even with the hacked version (Emurayden) in which pec couldn't recognize it.

Pec only works exclusive on ePSXe and CVGS only. So, try to stick on ePSXe if your PC is WinXP. :cool: