Gamecube Usb Controller NULLDC not work.


New member
When i put Buttons on my Controller this not work with NULLDC.

Can anybody tell me how this works ?


New member
NULL Dc is a real fuck off piss programm,

and you are an unserious unfriendly piss riff raff rabble forum, because get no help here,


Staff member
Make sure the controller you are using is already installed along with whatever drivers you may need. I used an Xbox 360 controller because that is all I have for my PC.

Go to Options - > Select Plugins

Maple (Input/Saves)
Select PuruPuru input plugin 0.1
second option bellow needs to be puru-Puru Pak
click OK

Go to Options > Maple > Port A > Configure keys for Player 1
If your controller is installed properly you will be able to select it and rebind the keys there the way you want them.

Do that and run a game.