If PS4 or Xbox 720 required online to work, would it ruin emulating?


New member
Its not confirmed, but there has been rumours that Xbox 720 will require online in order to function. They have even spoke of activation codes in order for games to even work. If this happens, will these system be impossible to emulate in the future? Just wondering.


Controller Man
Staff member
Ill put it simple.
Hackers: the bigger the challenge higher the intensive.

That is the least of our problems. I bet that will be hacked before the release of the device.


New member
I think there is always a workaround , it seems like it will be harder to emulate but who knows , maybe it will be easier due to that fact.


It's not xbox 720, it's XBOX ONE because Microsoft wants to confuse everyone.

Everything can be emulated but don't hold your breathe as to when it would actually work at a good speed.

MESS has inbuilt networking, so certain emulated systems can talk to the internet already.


New member
I don't think it would.
But it might make developing the emulator take a longer time to complete.
The next problem would be about having the right PC specs to handle the new games.