Emulator Problem: SEGA Model 2: Virtual On control issue


New member
Good evening!

I use the Model 2 emulator to play games for the SEGA Model 2 arcade hardware (It's literally called the "Model 2 Emulator"). I've not had any important issues with it regarding most games, but there is a problem when I try to play Virtual-On.

Virtual-On uses a twin stick control configuration, and certain actions require specific movements from both sticks (left stick moves, right stick strafes I think, jumping is done by pulling both sticks in opposite directions, running requires both sticks to be pushed in the same direction, etc. etc. you get the idea). This wouldn't be a problem for me because I use a Logitech controller that has two thumbsticks. However, the emulator does not register certain combinations with the two sticks. More precisely, I think it can only recognize one of the two inputs if the two inputs are on the same axis. For example, I can perfectly push LEFT on the left stick and UP on the right stick, but if I try to pushing LEFT or RIGHT on the right stick while pushing LEFT on the left stick, it will not register the input of the second stick. (This is clearly shown when I play around the input test in the Test Mode) This prevents many actions from being performed (such as jumping, sprinting and rotating)

I did a little bit of research on the internet, and I've heard that the right stick is actually mapped to Player 2 in the emulator itself. So despite the fact that both sticks were detected, I went in the emulator options but there were no Player 2 inputs at all in the list, preventing me from testing this.

Does anyone know how to make both sticks work completely? Or is it a problem from the emulator itself and we'll just have to wait for the next version to solve this issue?
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