Emulators with Joypad friendly menu


New member
Do any emulators for any systems exist for Windows XP with menus that work using a game controller? Nester DC SE had a great setup (see pic) but unfortunately it was made to run on a Dreamcast (not Windows).


I'm working on a Hyperspin setup and everything is slowly coming together very well, but a GUI that works like this from the joypad would be far better for accessing emu options. I have setup my Xbox 360 controller to exit emulators by holding down two buttons, but everything else involves a keyboard. If I had the know-how I would be programming something like this myself, but since I don't I'm hoping that someone has done it already.

Any suggestions?


Controller Man
Staff member
no really no. That why most people use front ends like Hyperspin. Though if you know how to code its not hard to redirect joystick DX events to keys. You can also use xpadder's per app feature to map keys.


New member
Yeah, Xpadder is pretty much where I'm at. I was just hoping that maybe some modified emus that entail a menu like this were out there (or something that works along with the emu like Xpadder). I've found the part of the JScript that NesterDC uses for the menu, but unfortunately I wouldn't know where to start to modify it into a program that works along with an emulator in Windows.


Controller Man
Staff member
well 90% of emulators are dev'd in c++/ If they allow the source to be modified you will find DX function. Dx will hook to joystick and keyboards so its not going to be hard to grab one and send to the other.