OpenEmulator 1.0 released


New member
Hello there,

I'm glad to announce that I've recently released OpenEmulator 1.0.

Here's the "What's new" for this release:
* The Apple-1 emulations are working. It is possible to emulate a
stock Apple-1, a Briel Replica-1 and a Achatz A-ONE. Every emulation
respects the memory maps and features of respective systems.
* There are many virtual monitors that can be plugged in an Apple-1
emulation: the Apple Monitor III (with high phosphor persistence),
Apple Monitor II, a monochrome broadcast monitor, and a composite
broadcast monitor. The broadcast monitors allow fine tuning of the
video rendering.
* OpenEmulator is most probably the first emulator featuring a fully
functional Apple Cassette Interface Card (ACI). The ACI can be
into any Apple-1 slot, and allows sending and receiving data to the
host audio system.
* OpenEmulator is definitely the first emulator with a CFFA1
card emulation. This card interfaces CompactFlash memory cards with
Apple-1 computers. It can be used in this emulation to move files
more quickly than with the cassette interface.
* The audio recorder is capable of storing the sound output to a WAV
file, and can play back any of the following formats: WAV, AIFF, CAF,
* OpenEmulator allows to connect devices dynamically to an emulation.
Just open the Hardware Library, and drag virtual devices to the
corresponding port.
* OpenEmulator features an advanced video rendering system, using GPU
shaders to implement advanced monitor emulation.
* OpenEmulator also makes it easy to change emulations internally.
Just edit the XML file and reconnect/reconfigure the software
components that make up an emulation.

A couple of instructions for people who are not acquainted with the

* Type E000R to enter BASIC
* Type 9000R to start the CFFA1 file manager. You can mount the disk
image that is part of this release, and use the "CATALOG", "PREFIX"
and "LOAD" commands to see files, change directories and load files.
* After loading an Apple-1 BASIC program, type E2B3R to run it (this
entry point doesn't initialize the program)
* After loading binary file, type XXXXR, to run (where XXXX is the
start address the loader gives you).
* The stock Apple-1 does not have Apple-1 BASIC in ROM at E000.
There's RAM so you must load it from disk.
* To use the Apple-1 Cassette Interface, type C100R from the monitor.
Then type XXXX.YYYYW to write to cassette (you will listen it on your
speakers). To read, enter C100R from the monitor, type XXXX.YYYYR as
indicated on the tape you got. Guess what, reading from tape is also
as tricky as doing the same on a real Apple-1 computer :).
* The Replica-1 and A-ONE have an assembler called KRUSADER available
by entering F000R.
* Right now all the drag-and-drop architecture doesn't make much
sense, but you will see later with the Apple II how it works
wonders :).
