nestopia turbo mode?


New member
Is there a way for nestopia to enter 'turbo mode'? Like where it fast forwards. I know there is a way on znes, but I can't seem to figure it out for nestopia, if it exists.


New member
Is there a way for nestopia to enter 'turbo mode'? Like where it fast forwards. I know there is a way on znes, but I can't seem to figure it out for nestopia, if it exists.

yes it does exist with nestopia (well atleast assuming you are using v1.40 which is what i use, not sure about earlier versions).

Open nestopia, go to options > timing.
Now there are a few options:
speed= normal game speed, probably best to check "use default"

alt speed= speed when button is pressed, 60=normal, so less then 60 = slow motion, more then 60= fast forward. i set mine to like 120 which is 2x speed. If you put it to more, you may want to check "no sound" so it doesnt sound like **** lol

rewind= genius! check "enable" and "default speed" then click ok.

Now how do you use it? well default key bindings, tab=alt speed, backspace=rewind, you can change it under options > input. in the list on the left size labeled "type" go to emulation. Then the middle list shows the what action it is, and the right list is what the key binding is. Double click on the right list and set the key to what you want. then click ok.