Pokemon Trading Card Game 2 English Translation


Windows 10
This website is home to the unofficial English translation of Pok?mon Card GB2, the sequel of Pok?mon Trading Card Game for Game Boy Color. Everything including translation, editing, coding, etc. is being done by mefredbob alone. Obviously, it's very time-consuming.

Here you can track the progress of translation, download most recent patches, and find more information about the game itself.

What has been done so far?

* All character names
* All deck names
* All menu options
* Altered Booster Pack graphics to show English names
* Altered battle graphics
* All cards
* All mail received on the Minicom
* Intro and most beginning dialog

More coming soon. Check back regularly.

Total Progress

70% of work is done.

http://artemis251.fobby.net/pkmntcg2/index.html the patch of this game by another guy so try it out.
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