Computer Problem: Help with my PS3!


Killer of all evil
I have a PANASONIC HD READY TV and i wanted to switch to 1080p to try PS3 ,could not support it as it needs a FULL HD TV,but XBOX 360 did support 1080 p to the same TV,now my screen has gone BLACK ,and i cant see anything, i try to hook up via SCART normal AV but i cant see anything either, i try to hook it up to another TV ,and i cant see anything there either.

Is my only option to try it in FULL HD TV to see if i can bring it back to 1080i ????
Or how to make playstation 3 ,start up by default options,not HDMI???? Many thanks in advance.


Killer of all evil
Thanks man,but i found how to fix the BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH, i needed to go to the secret menu, HEAR THREE BEEPS and then it will appear ,after several restarts ,and i choose RESTORE PS3. I was worried ,cause it would have cause a huge psicological problem in me,i would never believe in consoles anymore after the failure of my 360