Chrono Cross


New member
How do I fix a problem in Chrono Cross? everything is fine, the beginning works fine until after he wakes up and when i try to battle outside and when I click on Elements it momentarilly freezes or goes really really slow for lik 10-20 seconds then goes on again? anything I have to do with the Video configuration?

Im using peops 1.14 soft driver, eternal Spu 1.41 , mooby etc. and using EpSXe 1.6. I herad 1.52 is better but 1.6 works fine, even that status screen doesnt freeze on me but the element option in the battle menu is freezing and giving me problems. any ideas?


New member

The game runs nicely without any glitches using Pete's Plugins (any of his gfx plugins really). Just make sure to use the -noauto command in the commandline else the game will freeze when using the element menu. I know this info was posted in a previous post (thats how I got it working for me) but it was just not made clear the it is the -noauto cmd which fixes the issue.
Tips :
1. Create a shortcut from ePSXe.exe.
2. Right-click on the shortcut and click on Properties.
3. Add '-noauto' by the end of '...epsxe.exe' from Target.

"......epsxe.exe" -noauto
4. Click on 'Apply'.

Have fun! :)