Hahahah @ Iran


New member
You think that's bad.

In Afghanistan
They want to ban men & women talking in public unless they are related.. Still want women to cover up more, and people like women who play soccer can't even be photographed because of the risk of violence against them. Didn't we just liberate them to end this shit? Seems like the women in these societies are the only ones who appreciated it.

So much for the religion of peace.

Just recently a man in Iraq killed his 17 year old daughter for loving a British Soldier. He was released hours later because it was an "honor killing" and you can't do anything about it...

Why are we trying to fucking save these people from themselves? They don't care. And the ones who do care, like this girl, end up caught in the middle and either hurt or DEAD.
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She Who Sucks At Life
A larger part of me says go feminism for finally getting a victory over Barbie.

But then, the whole fundamentalist foolishness hits me full force in the face and I can't help but wonder who in the fuck thought this was a good idea.

For one, we as the rest of the world aren't thinking, "Wow. These people have it together." All we're thinking is, "Who in the fuck decided that it would be a good call to let these people live?"

The main problem that I can see with the majority of the Muslim world is NOT that the religion is wrong.

The basis of Islam is the same as the basis of any other religion. Love each other and do what's right. The problem is that the people let their own self-righteous crap stand in the way of enlightenment. Allah isn't making these people kill each other. Their own stupid shit is telling them "This must be what Allah wants. She's my daughter, but Allah says kill her...so I will. It serves my purpose. One less person to worry about."

There are too many innocent victims. Newsweek did an article last year about the number of War Brides that are occuring because of this war. There are less War Brides from this war than that of any other war ever. And the people who do end up marrying a US Citizen can't tell their families and are FORCED to come to the US to keep their families from being slaughtered by the militants.

There's something wrong with this picture.

Whatever happened to humanitarianism?


Gray Mage
A larger part of me says go feminism for finally getting a victory over Barbie.

But then, the whole fundamentalist foolishness hits me full force in the face and I can't help but wonder who in the fuck thought this was a good idea.

For one, we as the rest of the world aren't thinking, "Wow. These people have it together." All we're thinking is, "Who in the fuck decided that it would be a good call to let these people live?"

The main problem that I can see with the majority of the Muslim world is NOT that the religion is wrong.

The basis of Islam is the same as the basis of any other religion. Love each other and do what's right. The problem is that the people let their own self-righteous crap stand in the way of enlightenment. Allah isn't making these people kill each other. Their own stupid shit is telling them "This must be what Allah wants. She's my daughter, but Allah says kill her...so I will. It serves my purpose. One less person to worry about."

There are too many innocent victims. Newsweek did an article last year about the number of War Brides that are occuring because of this war. There are less War Brides from this war than that of any other war ever. And the people who do end up marrying a US Citizen can't tell their families and are FORCED to come to the US to keep their families from being slaughtered by the militants.

There's something wrong with this picture.

Whatever happened to humanitarianism?

If you do read the Koran, it does promote a degrees of hatred against infidels, and that is where Islamic law is based off of in the first place. Just google Intolerance in the Koran for example. That is all I need to say.
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New member
You can say the same thing about the Bible.

Fact of the matter is, Jews and Muslims lived side by side in the same cities for many years, however long ago all that shit was with the wars in the middle east and territories changing hands.

Its the people like the Wahabiasts that started perverting the shit all around and making it a hundred times more worse than it ever needed to be.

The fact that these people come from cultures that still adhere to primitive notions like Tribal laws & identity does not help and is the number one reason they are so barbaric.

They bitch & moan about how the Middle East was the cradel of modern culture and civilization, mathematics, philosophy, public engineering.. They were said to have electricity before the rest of the world caught up (whether that is before or after Edison and they were simply quick to adopt I can't say).

Hell, what looked like ancient battery systems were found in Iraq (or somewhere in that area).. All this shit. But because of their backwards social development, tribal systems & laws.. They have refused to step into the future. They are only modern in the sense of technology these days.

It's sad... pathetic really. Such a great people could contribute something like the decimal system, influence modern alphabets, and they are reduced to nothing but warring savages in the name of "god", because of a few fucked in the head religious people with a death grip on their countries.


She Who Sucks At Life
For real!

People need to realize that adaptation is the key to survival.

It's still a wonder to me that we as the human race are still in existence at all. I mean, we're a species predisposed to destroying each other. And the saddest part is that most of the time we do it as a perverted form of fun.

It amazes me we don't just nuke ourselves off the face of the earth.


New member
It's got little to do with fun..

It's an old and forgotten part of evolution called "self preservation" that met something called "politics" and went awry.

Almost all war-based violence is rooted in some screwed up need of self preservation, only the surface is layered with excuses of every kind we use to justify it.

Democracy vs Communism vs Totalitarism vs Religion. Everyone thinks their way is the best way and everyone else must be made to see, or they must attack someone else to maintain their right to live a certain way etc etc etc.
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