Castlevania on pSX 1.9


New member
I am playign castlevania symphony of night on psx 1.9 and it works great except every once and a whiel it'll freeze for liek 20-30 seconds. usually at parts where I am going to a new room, when I pause or while someone is talking. the fps still is changign slightly and the music still plays so its not a total freeze. 2 out of the 3 times it just continued after a little time but one time it froze and I had to restart. is there something I can do to fix this or is my iso just messed up?


Killer of all evil
Connectix 1.41 can play it perfectly, i played Castlevania:Symphony of the night the first playstation game ever on my Connectix.
However since you have a iso you have to burn it to a CD to play it with Connectix as it doesn't support ISO-S
The commercial discounted version of connectix can be found by a search at google for example Try entering these words at google search area

Russia emu , Connectix ps1 , emu or Connectix 1.4 version commercial for free.

You will find it in no time.
PSX is a great emu and when i play suikoden I it freezes me sometime but not for long it's because of the cd , and is a bug at my cd rom i guess.
But for an ISO freezing i guess it's the emu problem.

I know you have to do some research for Connectix but believe me it's more than worth.


That Guy Nobody Knows...
anyone have any other ideas? I dont' want to have to burn it to a cd
Get ePSXe 1.6.0 with:
PEOPS OpenGL (aspect ratio set, no stretch)
Eternal SPU (All sound set but IRQ Hack, default configurations)

And, uh...that's it. I think anything else you can set to whatever you please, but I think the BIOs should be scph1001.
Hope that helps. :D