X-Box 360


New member
More pictures are avilable for the X-Box 360

For specifications on the XBox 360's hardware go to
( I Truely doubt the processor speeds - but how would i know)

Also The XBox 360 may possibly having a iPod based drive (use your iPod)
- apparently to lower costs - I doubt that but (both lowering and using iPods)
i saw this on The Screen Savers on The How To Channel on Foxtel Digital Australia
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Neko Koneko

New member
matt5108 said:
I dont think so?
I dont get it Nintendo 64 had 64bit processors it took a while for PCs to get 64bit

With PC's that would bring the hassle of having to convert all the excisting software to 64-bit, something that doesn't apply to consoles since every new console needs completely new software anyway.


New member
More info on X Box 360 from a more reliable source
"Keep in mind that all of this information is based off of alpha development kits and current projections for the final hardware. Everything is subject to change. In the first part of our Xbox expose, I'll cover the console's hardware components and software goals. Since the final name of the next Xbox hasn't been revealed yet, I'll refer to the system by its codename, Xenon."


New member
i honestly doubt the ipod HD rumour. m$ assisting a MAC product? i doubt itll happen. from the bits n pieces i have heard (i honestly dont care much for the technical hype of next-nex-gen consoles) there will be different size HDs available


New member
oh really? i thought it was technically impossibly for xbox 360 to have backwards compatibility. again, i didnt look very far into it. i just wonder what they will do with the backwards compatability/halo 2 issue