Hey guys! Fresh meat here!



Hey guys!

I'm totally new to emulators as a whole, so I really hope there are no noob-abusers here as I'm definately gonna have to ask a ton of basic newbie questions.

So yeah, I'm Lucy, and I used to adore my N64 until it stopped working. Literally mine and my brother's childhood was on those games, and recently I've been feeling a lot of nostalgia when listening to Ephixa's Zelda remixes, so I figured I'd get an emulator, so I can relive a ton of my old games.
Funny thing is, my SNES is still in working order, but it's the same age as my brother (he's 20), and the 64's obviously younger yet it broke sooner... guess I didn't care for it as much as I should've!
Me and my bro were literally besto's when it came to our N64, we would bicker and argue as siblings do, but as soon as we clutched those controllers, it was hard to leave each other's sides. Like, when Link from Ocarina of Time used to drink a glass of milk, I would run and get my brother a glass of milk too. :')

I just wanted to ask about the software and stuff, like what's the best one to download? Or is there no need for the software, just to download the games? Like I said... sorry about being such a newbie. Maybe if someone would be kind enough as to write some 'emulators for dummies' instructions for me or something xD

Thanks, and looking forward to getting my old memories back! :)