Which keys on the Keyboard are the ones you use for the NES control pad?


New member
I downloaded nestopia, and the only way i can control the NES games are by using my keyboard.
but i don't know which keys are the ones one use for the NES control pad. *yeah i?m a totally noob on emulators :p *

so, which keys on the Keyboard are the ones you use for the NES control pad? :)


Controller Man
Staff member
I dont know the defults keys but here is how you change them from what I read.
First off, make sure Nestopia is not running. Find your nestopia install directory and right click nestopia.xml and select properties. Make sure that the read-only box is unchecked, so that your can write to the file. THEN do the following:

"Nestopia re-writes the xml file as it exits, so, if you make changes to Nestopia's configuration and then set the xml file's read-only attribute while Nestopia is still running your changes will not be saved.

Make your changes to Nestopia,
Exit Nestopia,
Set read-only attribute on xml file."

After you setup your controllers and exit Nestopia, change the .xml file back to read-only in the properties, and it will stay.