Pokemon Red/Blue emulator online battling/tradng woes


New member
I am in the military, stationed overseas. As a way to spend time with my son, I want to to battle/trade pokemon via the Red and Blue version.

I downloaded TGB Dual Vol 7, Build 2053 and BGB 1.3.1. My son has the same programs and the same Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Red roms.

I've searched for a step-by-step walkthrough to get this to work, but I haven't hand any luck. I tried the following steps...

On TGB Dual, I click Netplay, I use the pokemon blue rom (for the player and opponent). My son clicks netplay and uses the same pokemon blue rom (for the player and opponent). I set up as the server. My son sets up as the client.

I go to Run (windows) and open "cmd". I type "ipconfig".
I get a Link-local IPv6 address XXXX::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:752d%14
a IPv4 Address XXX.XXX.1.2
a Subnet Mask XXX.XXX.255.0
a Default Gateway XXX.XXX.1.1

I give all of these to my son to try in the Server IP. He tries each individually. None work. (The status window meter never start to turn blue.)

Then I go to whatismyip.com and I get this address. XX.XXX.XXX.11

I give this to my son to try in the Server IP. Same results.

Then I try BGB. I don't load a rom, but I click on Link->Listen.

Then I choose port 8765 to listen. Then BGB goes into "listening mode." I gave my son each of the 5 aforementioned IP addresses to try individually. None of them work. I also gave him XX.XXX.XXX.11:8765 to try. That didn't work either.

(I have also tried XX.XXX.XXX.11:8765 to listen on, but that says "opening port failed")

I am not very computer savvy. Am I just using the wrong IP addresses? Do I need to try the :8765 after each different IP address? Detailed instructions would be helpful.
