Can't trade wirelessly on Pokemon Ruby between two laptops using vbalink.


New member
Me and my fiance both like pokemon and so play it together. However, we are having issues trading wirelessly.

We have searched the internet many times, searched many different sites and topics, but cannot seem to find a solution to our problem.

I am playing Pokemon Ruby and want to trade with my fiance who is playing Pokemon Leafgreen. We want to trade wirelessly whilst next to each other (literally, one meter if not less away from each other) on our laptops. However, whilst he is able to get into the trading room with no problems, I cannot even get past the door as even though we are 'connected' as vbalink says via wireless, I am getting the '... ... Press B to cancel' message and it will not ever go any further.

To connect wirelessly we do the following:
Open VBALINK -> Go to Sptions and then Link, by where Wireless Adapter is turned on for both of us -> Go to Settings, where one of us goes to the Server tab and clicks 'Start!' and the other types in the Client tab the i.p address that comes up. -> We successfully connect, and our vbalinks show a window to tell us so. -> We both click okay and attempt to begin the trading process.

Pause when inactive window is turned off on both of our vbalinks.

In terms of our laptops, emulators run quickly with no problems and this includes vbalink.

Could someone please tell me what we are doing wrong, or if we just cannot trade? What pokemon games can we wirelessly trade on? My fiance tried trading between my Pokemon Ruby on my computer and Pokemon Emerald on his - with the same issue. He can get past the door, and I cannot.

We really want to be able to trade wirelessly as it gives us motivation and enjoyment whilst playing the games.

Any help is much appreciated.


New member
I don't know about the wireless case but I do know such error occur in cable link. I had replied in someone thread so I will just redirect that. But, I need to remind you to have a backup for that save file(simply copy it somewhere else) so that you can get the save file back if it doesn't work. Click here to see. Honestly, I have never tried that multi-computer linking thing as there is no other player who play at home and found no one to trade with.

Another possibility is you need to have won the elite four in Ruby and/or given the special gemstone to Celio at Pokemon Net Center on One Island in Leaf Green. If one of them isn't completed yet, you can't connect. In LG, it will say,"I'm awfully sorry. We're not set up to conduct trades with TRAINERS far away another region yet..." and in R, it will say,"Sorry, we have a transmission error... Please reset and try again.".

Hope any will be different by reading this..

Mupen64 Man

Big fan of Mupen64
Staff member
I get these errors too sometimes, but I find that it helps to make sure that you are playing the same version that you are trying link to.