Workig a Tablet on a DS emulator


New member
Is there any way for me to use a tablet (those drawing tables) on an DS emulator? In fact I haven't even tried it out yet...


New member
Sure you can, and I suggest you to use it, the only problem is you can't lock the emulator windows with the pointer, I mean the pointer will be in your whole screen not only in the emulator windows, some table software allows you to force the windows focus, but the actual DS emulator use the same windows for both screens (normal and touch) so even if you lock to it, you won't be able to use the whole tablet for drawing in the DS. Maybe it could exist a software that allow the tablet focus on a determined region of the screen, but I don't know.


Controller Man
Staff member
I agree, the ideal situation is a light pen, not sure if they even makes those any more...