Print a list of all .nes files?


New member

I'm interested in printing out a list of all of the ROMS in a directory, preferably getting the information from a header (the files aren't named all that great).

Is there a program that will read the header information from all of the files in a directory, and then output the result to the printer? Or even outputting it to a text file or a Word document would be fine, just something that I can output to a printer.


Controller Man
Staff member
go to run type in cmd
in the dos prompt go to where your roms are.
example: say there are in c:\roms\nes
type "c:\" (enter)
type "cd c:\roms\nes" (enter)
then type in "dir > prn"

Or go get goodnes and print the have.txt file. after running an audit on your roms.
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New member
GoodNES would be the easiest way to do it for sure.

And as a side benefit it will clean up your file names when it processes the ROMS


New member
Awesome! GoodNES did exactly what I was looking for, and even listed the duplicate ROMs I have!

I don't mind it cleaning up the file names, since the purpose of this was just to get a list of NES ROMs on my NesterDC Dreamcast CD (it's a NES emulator for the Dreamcast, in case you didn't know). It already uses headers to list the games, I just wanted to be able to check and see what games I have without booting it up.
