Speed Gamers


Such Coin. Many Doge.
Wow, these guys are AWESOME! If you're looking for some fun - these guys are trying to beat 7 Legend of Zelda games in 72 hours flat. The best part, however, is that they are broadcasting live and interacting with their users. Another cool thing they're doing is handing out a prize to one person per game. If you e-mail them, you will be put in to a drawing and it will be randomly selected during the game. Any donations go toward the St.Jude Children's Hospital

Here are some specifics:

3 gamers will be completing 7 games in 72 hours. Heres the list of games:

The Legend of Zelda (Virtual Console)
The Adventure of Link (Virtual Console)
A Link to the Past (Virtual Console)
Ocarina of Time (will be played on the N64)
Majoras Mask (will be played on the N64)
Zelda: Twilight Princess

So, again, check them out at http://thespeedgamers.com!
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