BoF3 Savestate and advice


New member
Hey I'm away to start playing Breath of Fire 3 again since I haven't got round to completing it yet and I was wondering if anyone has any savestates around the area you get Tipo or a bit further on.

Also does anyone know of a playstation emulator where you can set a button on the gamepad to increase the frame rate? Looking for one along the lines of how Gens32 works where when you hold down the button it increases and when you let it go it returns to normal.



New member
You can find the keys from any Pete's GPU or P.E.Op.S GPU configuration. :)


New member
Yeah I've tried using the PEOpS one but it doesn't really seem to speed the game up more just make it look very choppy and take just as long to move
anywhere's. Do you feel the Pete one is smoother?

EDIT - Got it going smoothly with a little tinkering. Still needing unhacked savestates if anyone has or knows where I can find them (Gamesfaq are al hacked)
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