Problems with Star Ocean 2


New member
Alright on the second disk at the field of love, when I leave my synard, my epsxe closes up and i get this really weird error:

Opcode 3f UNK (PC 00000080) (6287086,209)

Anyone know whats wrong?


New member
Unless you have a bad image i believe that means Star Ocean 2 will not work on epsxe (something wrong with emulator) . Try a different emulator. I recommend PSXeven_v0.19 but there are others like SSSPSX v.32 or pSX.


New member
A bad ISO can likely still be played on until you hit the point where the corrupted data is being called, so it's kind of hard to say for sure.

In any case like has been said, all you can do is try another emulator at this point. If you still have problems then your ISO is probably the problem.


New member
It happened occasionally though I personally don't know what was the cause of it. (Something to do with Graphic Plugins?) If you were using [pec] while playing, then stop using for awhile to avoid that problem.