AC2, No music, only Effects sound...


New member
Ok, I've searched thru a bunch of threads with no luck.

Running Ace Combat 2 (PAL) on epsxe 1.6... I only get the 'effects' sound and no music. I have both XA, CDDA, ADPCM on.

The game is a .bin, I setup it up running on NTSC bios, and also tried the PAL (since its a PAL game), no luck.

Using the Eternal 1.41 SPU.

Does the iso have to be in a particular format (.mdf?).


Active member
Maybe the sound is .cda (CD audio) and the ISO is not hybrid. Hybrid discs store both audio CD and data in the same session.


New member
Maybe the sound is .cda (CD audio) and the ISO is not hybrid. Hybrid discs store both audio CD and data in the same session.

Perhaps. If this was the case, would there be a way of fixing it? Maybe another emulator?

Although I've also tried an original PSX game in the CD drive, with no luck, still only effects and no music. Both games are quite old, 1997 and older, so maybe they didn't start making hybrid discs until later.


New member
Hi, i had the exact same problem

i was working with ePSXe and when i first started all sounds worked, but the fps was like 200, but when i put fpslock on 60 fps the effect sounds stayed but the music was gone..

anyhow, a few days later, when my computer had restarted a few times it worked perfectly again